On 1/17/10 1:01 PM, "Leo Bicknell" <bickn...@ufp.org> wrote:

 But, i am legitimately interested in perceived
>> service gaps or issues, given this tightly controlled service
>> definition (web and email).
> I think the phones stopped being "tightly controlled" with the
> iPhone and Android phones.  They expect generic IP connectivty, and
> are very much not web and e-mail only.  Moreso than an IPv6 only
> provider, a web and e-mail only provider would probbaly find
> themselves at a huge disadvantage to a significant and growing
> segment of the market.

I made a number of demonstration of mail and web service on an IPv6-only
workstation back in early 2000, in my Solaris days. Even ten years ago, it
was clear this would not be enough...

  - Alain.

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