It should be of no surprise to anyone that a number of the remaining
prefixes are something of a mess(somebody ask t-mobile how they're using
14/8 internally for example). One's new ipv4 assignments are  going to
be of significantly lower quality than the one received a decade ago,
The property is probably transitive in that the overall quality of the
ipv4 unicast space is declining...

The way to reduce the entropy in a system is to pump more energy in,
there's always the question however of whether that's even worth it or not.


Mirjam Kuehne wrote:
> Hello,
> After 1/8 was allocated to APNIC last week, the RIPE NCC did some
> measurements to find out how "polluted" this block really is.
> See some surprising results on RIPE Labs:
> Please also note the call for feedback at the bottom of the article.
> Kind Regards,
> Mirjam Kuehne

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