On 2/4/2010 3:30 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

A recent organizational change at my company has put someone in charge
who is determined to make things perfect.  We are a service provider,

isn't a common occurrence, and the engineer in question has a pristine
track record.

This outage, of a high profile customer, triggered upper management to
react by calling a meeting just days after.  Put bluntly, we've been
told "Human errors are unacceptable, and they will be completely
eliminated.  One is too many."

From experience...

At one point this will become overwhelming.  You'll wake up every morning 
dreading going to
work instead of looking forward to it.  Chain shot will be put in the 'blame 
cannon' and
blasted regularly and at everyone.  Update your resume and get everything in 
place just in
case it gets to the point you can't take it anymore sooner than you expect.  ;-)

This is a golden opportunity.

Prepare a pan for building the lab necessary to pre-test EVERYTHING.

Cost it out.

Present the cost and the plan in a public forum or widely distributed memorandum (including as a minimum everybody that was at the meeting and everybody in the chain(s) of command between you and the edict giver.

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have."

Remember:  The Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.

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