If you are using Asterisk (and many derived PBXs), and your installation is old enough, and your default context will complete a call...then you may find you are giving free calling out. This was fixed at some point in the Asterisk default configuration files.

We have noticed a lot of issues with Asterisk 1.2 and some 1.4 rollouts. FreePBX had some truck-sized holes in it.

On our relatively small client base, we are seing SIP probing on more or less a non-stop basis, and some of our customers have been hacked over the years. It's definitely increasing - the modern equivilent of the open-DISA access many old PBX/VMs offer.

On the plus side, they ususal start calling North Korea or Somalia or something which triggers the alarms, so they get shut down right away; we offer a default "Axis of Evil" block to stop international calling to the high-fraud countries that are out there and only allow calling there upon customer request. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find much cleverer people that have hacked PBXs and are making calls at a moderate pace to domestic or other inexpensive areas as to avoid detection.




On Fri, 5 Feb 2010, Drew Weaver wrote:


        Has anyone done any research or have any anecdotal numbers related to how common 
it is to have a SIP gateway sitting out on the Internet with no ACL or authentication? 
Recently we have noticed a couple of instances where we get abuse complaints from 
companies who claim that one of our hosting clients 'stole SIP service' from them. This 
reminds me somewhat of the 'SMTP open relay' days. We obviously take action and shut the 
offending user down but I can't help but wonder how common this practice is. Usually I 
just ask the company why their system allows anyone to use their SIP gateway and they 
usually say something like "We can't predict what IP our users will come in from... 

I am just wondering if anyone else has noticed this trend.


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