I have gig copper ran all over my house. Handy for large file transfers. I have fios as well, and wish it was faster. (yes, all I know is it's a setting, it costs them nothing more)

Joel Esler
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 10, 2010, at 8:02 PM, "Luan Nguyen" <l...@netcraftsmen.net> wrote:

They don't have a field in the MLS for that, but most people put the
description FTTH in.
There are quite a few communities with FTTH in the Wash DC metropolitan area that is not FIOS. Openband is one of them serving my house. The 100M fiber comes into a transition network converter and then to a Netgear. I doubt
that any house would have FTTR (rooms).

Luan Nguyen
Chesapeake NetCraftsmen, LLC.

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