Moved this thread over to its proper home at

Please carry on there, thanks!


On Feb 16, 2010, at 7:39 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:

> For BBQ, Rudy's is hard to beat:
> -J
> --------
> Jason J. W. Williams, COO/CTO
> DigiTar
> V: 208.343.8520
> F: 208.322.8522
> M: 208.863.0727
> On Feb 16, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
>> is there a nanog austin eats page somewhere?  i lost my old link to some
>> wiki we used to use.
>> and, a completely unverified recco from an austin friend (who thinks
>> chicken fried steak is the meat nearest heaven).
>>> I spoke to my colleague who has lived in Austin more recently than I
>>> have.
>>> He recommends North By Northwest highly, in the Arboretum area.
>>> When I was a Texan in exile, I would always, on returning, worship at
>>> the shrine of Chicken Fried Steak. Threadgill's is a timeless classic
>>> that specializes in it. Ken Threadgill was an Austin legend, who gave
>>> Janis Joplin one of her first paying gigs. Bonus: Manager Eddie Wilson
>>> was the Ranch Boss at the Armadillo World Headquarters, and has a shrine
>>> of posters and pictures from the font of Austin weirdness.
>>> He also recommends Urbanspoon as an online info source.
>>> Welcome, y'all.
>> !SIG:4b7b50f9162721632411545!

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