> From nanog-bounces+bonomi=mail.r-bonomi....@nanog.org  Mon Feb 22 09:10:55 
> 2010
> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:09:45 +0200
> From: Gadi Evron <g...@linuxbox.org>
> To: NANOG Operators Group <na...@merit.edu>
> Subject: Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee
> The email portability bill has just been approved by the Knesset's 
> committee for legislation, sending it on its way for the full 
> legislation process of the Israeli parliament.
> While many users own a free email account, many in Israel still make use 
> of their ISP's email service.
> According to this proposed bill, when a client transfers to a different 
> ISP the email address will optionally be his to take along, "just like" 
> mobile providers do today with phone numbers.
> This new legislation makes little technological sense, and will 
> certainly be a mess to handle operationally as well as beurocratically, 
> but it certainly is interesting, and at least the notion is beautiful.

Quick!  Somebody propose a snail-mail portability bill.  When a renter 
changes to a different landlord, his snail-mail address will be optionally
his  to take along, "just like" what is proposed for ISP clients.
> The proposed bill can be found here [Doc, Hebrew]:
> http://my.ynet.co.il/pic/computers/22022010/mail.doc
> Linked to from this ynet (leading Israeli news site) story, here:
> http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3852744,00.html
> I will update this as things evolve on my blog, here:
> http://gadievron.blogspot.com/
>       Gadi.

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