> We have noticed that a number of Cisco appliances we have recently purchased 
> and paid (AS NEW), are being shipped as if they have been already 
> used/refurbished. In other words, several times we have seen brand new Cisco 
> hardware, out of the box, that has pre-existing configuration (Interfaces 
> with Private IP addresses, static routes, etc …) and in some cases even 
> non-system files, like ‘crashdump.txt’ or additional IOS images. Most 
> importantly our latest purchase; 2 'new' ASAs, contain a series of files 
> named: FSCK0000.REC, FSCK0001.REC, FSCK0002.REC, etc ... . Based on some 
> research it seems like that these files are 'recovery files' signaling 
> bad/failing hard disks in these appliances.

May be you purchased a truly brand new Cisco appliance where the HDD
is refurbished, possibly due to:
- Cisco cutting costs on parts procurement
- Cisco supplier cutting costs by refurbishing HDD
- Cisco contractor that does assembly making extra revenue by selling
new HDDs that Cisco bought and replacing them with refurbished ones


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