Chris Wallace wrote:
I am hoping to get some peoples opinions on Alcatel-Lucent routers.  We are 
looking at the 7750 SR line and the 7450 ESS line.  We are currently a Cisco 
shop but these would be deployed in a completely new network delivering mostly 
MPLS based services and DIA.  Any comments are welcome,  good and bad.

Hello !!

First time on the list :)

I'd like to say something in opposite . These are very weak routers ..
We ( SP on country level , PL ) had two of them , implemented in core , as pure ip routers . The worst thing in it was bgp proto .. Router was unable to withstand 20+ peering sessions , most of that outgoing bgp session to customers , a few peerings , and only 1v2 incoming upstream providers When there was instability/surge in bgp updates , router was able to break itself tcp sess. Dwnld bgp table (150,000prefix) took 2h or more ... Things done in hardware should be working although ( bridge .. , maybe label switching , vpls ) Tech support is very weak. Expect problems with interoperability . Sorry to say that . It was 3+ years time ago , maybe they improved themself .. :)

If you want 2 spare chassis , we have them free
// best regards Piotr Sawicki .

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