
In large installations, I've always found it helpful when diagnosing LAN issues 
to isolate floors and departments first - using routers or with devices that 
can do transparent bridging.  That way, you can walk through each dept/floor 
testing for the issues, and hopefully find only one location its still 

Its entirely likely that there's either a loop of some sort or a switch has 
gone off the deep end.  

If you'd like, let him know if he wants to drop me a mail, I can walk through 
details about the situation and hopefully help him narrow it down.
------Original Message------
From: Dennis Dayman
Subject: Latency quesstion
Sent: Mar 18, 2010 7:56 AM

have a friend who has 21 floors of a building in DFW, multiple switches, etc 
and they started to have latency issues this weekend where half if not all 
packet are being dropped to folder shares, printers, etc. Suggestions on how 
they can troubleshoot that? call in a company to help identify it?


Brielle Bruns  /

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