On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 01:20:04AM -0400, Anton Kapela wrote:
> So, this week, I actually read the update report. Noting the stats below (..a 
> flap/update once per minute? please, fix your CPE router), I have but one 
> humble request:
> Could the settlement-free members of the DFZ please consider
> re-enabling route-flap dampening towards customers?

The problem is that unless one is holding customer routes in a 
seperate VRF and dampen them there or take similar steps to 
segment, dampening leads directly to blackholes.  Even in that
case, failover within that VRF wouldn't work, as all 
implementations I've seen attack the prefix as the problem instead
of the path vector. Bye-bye alternate paths.  



             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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