On 2010.03.30 23:22, bmann...@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:14:52PM -0400, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This is perhaps a rather silly question, but one that I'd like to have
>> answered.
>> I'm young in the game, and over the years I've imagined numerous job
>> titles that should go on my business card. They went from cool, to
>> high-priority, to plain unimaginable.
>> Now, after 10 years, I reflect back on what I've done, and what I do
>> now. To me, if a business is loose-knit with no clear job descriptions
>> or titles (ie. too small to have CXO etc), I feel that a business card
>> should reflect what one feels is the primary job responsibility, or what
>> they do the most (or love the most).
>> For instance, I like to present myself as a 'network engineer'. I have
>> never taken formal education, don't hold any certifications (well, since
>> 2001), and can't necessarily prove my worth.
>> How does the ops community feel about using this designation? Is it
>> intrusive or offensive to those who hold real engineering degrees? I'm
>> content with 'network manager', given that I still do perform (in my
>> sleep) numerous system tasks and have to sometimes deal with front-line
>> helpdesk stuff.
>> Instead of acting like I'm trying to sell myself out, I'll leave out
>> what I actually do and ask those who sig themselves with 'network
>> engineer' what they do day-to-day to acquire that title, and if they
>> feel comfortable with having it.
>> Steve
>       well, there are communities which use the term "engineer"
>       as a term of art adn frown on this group co-opting the
>       term "network enginer" ... maybe you really don't want to
>       go there (even if it is what you do).
>       I've used memorable terms in the past, gadfly, plumber, chief 
>       bottle-washer, and have seen goddess, evangelist, and more.


Plumber is good. Electrician would be better considering I'm about 120
hours away from writing my resi ticket ;)

I did not mean to initiate a thread that turns into a joke. I'm quite
serious. I guess I'm curious to get an understanding from others who
work in a small environment that have no choice but to 'classify'


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