> I agree.  I remember back in the 80s when I first got access to UseNet
> and UUCP based email thinking and saying things like "the net will
> change the world", because for the first time people from all over the
> globe were communicating fairly openly and inexpensively, and somehow
> the internet and UUCP seemed to come in "under the radar" back then.  I
> had more than a few people scoff at me for thinking that way though.  :-)

Long hours and black magic, but true. I totally agree it was one of
the factors that changed in the world. On a personal note it certainly
changed my life.  While my job had to do with information technology
and telecommunications the Internet mambo jambo was just a side effect
that ended being the enabling factor to permit and entire national
community become part of global community and the inflection point to
break the monopoly of international communications in several

No doubt that sooner or later it was going to happen with or without
me, I just happened to be at the right space-time and surrounded with
good friends and colleagues that thought it was a noble cause to go
the extra mile and extra hours and we all tried to work in a
cooperative fashion, something that over the past few years I feel has
been lost.


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