Nick Hilliard wrote:
> "PHP stinks on the command line and text processing"
This is a bit of a broad sweeping statement! Can you elaborate on what
your definition of how PHP "stinks" in this context?

We have dozens of CLI scripts all written in PHP, some of which have
been running for years and never given us any grief. We specifically
chose PHP as the scripting language to standardize on to replace PERL
because it was simple to learn and extremely powerful.

I came from a PERL (and C/Pascal/Assembler) background so I found the
PHP language stylings a natural fit when I discovered it in 2001, and
have been using it for most of my scripting needs ever since. PHP adopts
a lot of "PERL-isms" which I find very comfortable.

Occasionally I do hear of someone deriding PHP, and naturally I would
like to hear their side of the story. Often, I find it is due to lack of
experience with PHP CLI scripting, or perhaps just PHP's capabilities in


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