On Apr 8, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> [changing topics, so that it actually reflects the content]
> On 2010-04-08 20:33, William Herrin wrote:
>> You're aware that RIPE has already made some /19 and /20 IPv6 allocations?
>> Yes, with suitably questionable delegations, it is possible to run out
>> of IPv6 quickly.
> Ever noticed that fat /13 for a certain military network in the ARIN region!?

I think that was William's point.

> At least those /19 are justifyiable under the HD rules (XX million customers 
> times a /48 and voila). A /13 though, very hard to justify...

Both are questionable, it's just a matter of degree.  

> Also, please note that the current policies and "waste" (ahem) is only
> for 2000::/3, if that runs out we can take another 7 looks at how we
> should distribute address space without "waste".

Unfortunately, since address allocation policy is subject to the whims of the 
public policy definition process there is a risk (e.g., the proposal to 
allocate /24s of IPv6 if you knew the magic word or the proposals out of the 
ITU to allocate country blocks (/8s have been mentioned)).  There is no finite 
resource that people can't waste.


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