> > 1) Justify why we need a heavy bureaucracy such as ARIN for IPv6
> >   numbering resources,
> Because the members of ARIN (and the other four RIRs) want it that way.
> And because nobody has yet made a serious proposal to ICANN that
> would replace ARIN.

Using the organization to justify the need for the organization is
circular reasoning.

> > 2) Tell me why something like the old pre-depletion pre-ARIN model
> >   of InterNIC and just handing out prefixes with substantially less
> >   paper-pushing wouldn't result in a cheaper-to-run RIR.
> Because the ARIN members, who pay most of ARIN's fees, are not
> complaining about the level of those fees. This means that they
> think the fees are cheap enough, or else they would demand that
> the fees be changed. All ARIN fees are set by the ARIN members.

Again, ...

Anyways, the non-answers to these questions are very illuminating.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

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