On Apr 9, 2010, at 6:58 AM, Curtis Maurand wrote:

> On 4/8/2010 7:18 PM, Gary E. Miller wrote:
>> Since I just need one /64 that is $1,250/yr for the /64.
>> That puts me at a large competitive disadvantage to the big boys.
> According to the docs that I read that's 1250 for the first year and 100/yr 
> thereafter.  The big boys pay more up front, but pay $100.00 per year 
> thereafter.  There's the competitive disadvantage.  AT&T, Comcast, 
> Time-Warner pay $100.00/yr for huge address space while the little by pays 
> $100.00/yr for a comparatively tiny one.  Something's not quite right with 
> that structure.
> Cheers,
> Curtis

No.  AT&T, Comcast, Time-Warner are not End-Users.  They are ISPs.  They pay
ISP fees.

I believe each of the ones you mention are in the "X-large" category, thus
paying $18,000/year, not $100/year.

An ISP which needs less than a /40 (which currently has no supporting
allocation policy) would pay $1250/year. However, the nature of current
IPv6 allocation policy is that an ISP would get a /32 and the minimum
ISP IPv6 fee would, therefore, be $2,250/year.

An end user pays $1,250 for anything smaller than a /40 (usually a /48)
once, then, $100/year thereafter for ALL of their resources.


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