SRX seems very new and many comment it as unstable, this includes some of
Juniper engineers I know in person. SSG though is phasing out. 8months ago
while I was looking for these solutions more closely, I had decided to stay
with SSG, which was good for next 3-4 years. However I believe probabyl SRX
is more reliable now, and moving from ScreenOS to Junos definitely is a
learning curve but something that worth in long term.


On 4/19/10 5:32 PM, "Jeffrey Negro" <> wrote:

> Has anyone on Nanog had any hands on experience with the lower end of the
> new SRX series Junipers?  We're looking to purchase two new firewalls, and
> I'm debating going with SSG series or to make the jump to the SRX line.  Any
> input, especially about the learning curve jumping from ScreenOS to JunOS
> would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.
> Jeffrey

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