On 20/04/2010, at 1:28 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:

> Changing from a public IP address to a private IP address is a big
> change in the conditions of the contract.  People do select ISP's
> on the basis of whether they will get a public IP address or a
> private IP address.

Seems to me your objection is based on whether or not the customer
gets a public address vs a private address.

There's no need for NAT pools to be RFC1918.  Pretty sure everyone
is going to get a public address of some form... it just won't 
necessarily be globally unique to them.

As for jurisdictional issues:  This particular Australian ISP amended
its T&C document to give us the discretion of providing LSN addresses
about two years ago.  Will we need to?  Perhaps not.  But if we do, the
T&C's are already worked out.  Looking ahead in time and forecasting
future risks is one of the things businesses are supposed to do, right?


   - mark

Mark Newton                               Email:  new...@internode.com.au (W)
Network Engineer                          Email:  new...@atdot.dotat.org  (H)
Internode Pty Ltd                         Desk:   +61-8-82282999
"Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton"  Mobile: +61-416-202-223

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