On Apr 25, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Apr 2010, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 04/25/10 16:42, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> That's what Link Local is for.
>>> fe80::<EUI-64>%<interface>
>>> For example, if the CPE is connected to the customer's network on eth0
>>> and the CPE mac address is 00:45:4b:b9:02:be, you could go to:
>>> http://[fe80::0245:4bff:feb9:02be]%eth0
>> ... and regardless of the specific method, the vendors already document
>> the procedure for connecting to the web interface for IPv4, there is no
>> reason to believe that they could not or would not do the same for IPv6
>> if necessary.
> Does anyone actually believe that the above is user-friendly and will work in 
> real life? Using link-local for this kind of end-user administration of their 
> equipment is doomed to fail. There needs to be a procedure for devices which 
> are going to get DHCP-PD from the provider, that they have a certain prefix 
> they use until they actually get the real PD prefix, so end user dns etc 
> works so it's easy to do administration of the device.
I fail to see how link local is any more difficult than any other IPv6 address.

I also fail to see how this is significantly different from the way these 
devices work in IPv4.

> We can't expect end-users to do the above procedure.
Of course not... End users will get a slip of paper with the computed Link 
Local already on it
in the form of connect to http://[fe80::0245:4bff:feb9:02be]%xxx

Where xxx will be en0 for Mac, eth0 for Linux, etc.
If it's a wireless adapter, it will be en1 for Mac.

Windows might get interesting as windows interface naming is, uh, creative at 


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