Some pseudo random thoughts and questions? (my BGP is rusty.)

1. Does it violate your AUP with APNIC?

2. If the larger routing prefix is from APNIC will your upstream in the EMEA 
region filter or black hole the sub prefix since it is from APNIC and not RIPE 
and would appear to be a hijacked block? (In my experience in some European 
countries "rules" are more strictly enforced than in other areas of the globe. 
I will spare you the American, Russian and French standards organization joke.)

3. It would appear that again since it is in an APNIC sub-prefix would you need 
to "carry" the packets from a PoP in APNIC region to your facility in the EMEA 
assuming the sub prefix is not large enough to be propagated in normal BPG 

4. And if the bits did get through for a period of time would the transit 
provider determine that they did not want to carry them any more and add 
filtering at any random point in time?

These questions assume that you do not have a single transit provider that 
covers both of your locations in the two different regions and can "custom 
route" the packets.

John (ISDN) Lee
From: Net []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: Partial Use Of one Regions IP Block in another

Hi folks,

Are there any policies set by internet registries and/or transit
providers today that prohibits organizations from using a Partially
used IP Block allocated in one region say AP through APNIC to be
comissioned and Propagated in another region such as EMEA serviced by

Obv, the best approach would be to acquire a new Block in the 2nd
region through its own registry, but sometimes due to strict
prvisioning timelines, legal delays in getting the necessary approvals
involved etc make this option less attractive. From an IPV4 space
depletion perspective as well, it might be feasible if organizations
having a large block in one region could split it amongst multiple
regions to prevent Wastage.

Any thoughts/expereinces and feedback would be appreciated.


Sent from my mobile device

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