Jorge Amodio wrote:
>> So NANOGer's, what will be the game plan when something like this
>> happens, will you be joining NATO and pulling fiber. I wonder when all
>> types of warm-fuzzy filtering will be drafted into networking: "Thou
>> shall re-read RFC4953 lest you want Predator strikes on your NAP
>> locations...
> We have a large supply of tin hats on stock ...
> My .02

All humor aside, I'm curious to know what can anyone truly do at the end
of the day if say a botnet was used to instigate a situation. Surely
someone would have to say something to the tune of "better now than
never" to implement BCP filtering on a large scale. Knobs, Levers, Dials
and Switches: Now and Then (please sir, may I have some more ?) is 7
years old yet I wonder in practice, how many networks have 38/84
filtering. I'm wondering why it hasn't been implemented off the shelf in
some of the newer equipment. This is not to say "huge backbones" should
have it, but think about it, if smaller networks implemented it from the
rip, the overheard wouldn't hurt that many of the bigger guys. On the
contrary, my theory is it would save them headaches in the long run...
Guess that's a pragmatic approach. Better that than an immediate
pessimistic one.


J. Oquendo

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
differently." - Warren Buffett

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