On Jun 12, 2010, at 11:14 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

>> You're going to have to get on ARIN Online at least once to generate
>> an key
> i can probably survive this experience.  is there a tee shirt?  :)

Your request has been noted...  ;-)

>> The report can be downloaded directly without logging into 
>> ARIN Online using a RESTful HTTP request containing your 
>> API key.  The URL must look like:
>> https://www.arin.net/public/rest/downloads/nvpr?apikey=YOUR-API-KEY
> this looks quite doable.
> thank you!

Thank you (and Jason Lewis!) for pointing out the lack of 
actionable information regarding this announcement and its
impact on Bulk Whois.  I've chatted with Mark and Nate on 
the timing of this service change, and going forward we'll 
make sure to have replacement services fully deployed and 
verifiable by the community before announcing an end date 
for the current service.

Thanks again!

John Curran
President and CEO

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