On 6/13/10 1:11 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> On 6/13/10 9:35 AM, Larry Sheldon wrote:
>> How about the case where the master zone file has be amputated and the
>> secondaries can no longer get updates?
> We just saw that with Haiti.

This overlooks the consequences of that particular catastrophic event
on locally routed, and indifferently named resources, within the area
directly affected by the event.

The hard, even desperate struggle, to keep the physical level
infrastructure powered, and operate link and above level services,
using pre-event and ad hoc post-event resource to address mappings was
not an exercise staged to demonstrate server configuration errors
(these happen quite frequently, and without casualties) or network
partition events (these too happen quite frequently, also without

The Lieberman, Collins (R-ME) and Carper bill, like the Rockefeller
and Snowe (R-ME) bill, offers nothing to the repair, or proactive
resilience of the Haitian network.

I am content that Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, of Maine's 1st CD,
assisted significantly in the effort to keep the Boutillier facility
fueled in the last weeks of January.

Network infrastructure security can be distinguished from
cybersecurity in the first instance by actual existence.


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