Serge Vautour wrote:
> Hello,
> What are people using to provide customer interface usage reports to 
> customers? There seems to be lots of RRD based tools that can gather the data 
> and store it for long term viewing. We use ZenOSS for internal purposes for 
> example. 
> How do we go about providing each customer access to their data in a secure 
> way? A portal type access. Is anyone aware of a tool that includes a front 
> end that can partition the data on a per customer basis? Each customer would 
> have their own login ID and only see their data? How do we link the data to 
> that customer? Some customer ID on the interface description?
> Thanks,
> Serge

Cacti provides some of that functionality.

User Management

# User based management allows administrators to create users and assign
different levels of permissions to the cacti interface.
# Permissions can be specified per-graph for each user, making cacti
suitable for co location situations.
# Each user can keep their own graph settings for varying viewing preferences.


Carlos Vicente                  Tel    :  +1(541) 346-1763
Network Engineer                Fax    :  +1(541) 346-4397
Information Services            PGP ID :  8623D99C
1212 University of Oregon
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