On 8/11/2010 3:10 PM, Chris Boyd wrote:

On Aug 11, 2010, at 1:13 PM, John Lee wrote:

MCI bought MFS-Datanet because MCI had the customers and
MFS-Datanet had all of the fiber running to key locations at the
time and could drastically cut MCI's costs. UUNET "merged" with MCI
and their traffic was put on this same network. MCI went belly up
and Verizon bought the network.

Although not directly involved in the MCI Internet operations, I read
all the announcements that came across the email when I worked at MCI
from early 1993 to late 1998.

My recollection is that Worldcom bought out MFS.  UUnet was a later
acquisition by the Worldcom monster (no, no biases here :-).  While
this was going on MCI was building and running what was called the
BIPP (Basic IP Platform) internally.  That product was at least
reasonably successful, enough so that some gummint powers that be
required divestiture of the BIPP from the company that would come out
of the proposed acquisition of MCI by Worldcom.  The regulators felt
that Worldcom would have too large a share of the North American
Internet traffic.  The BIPP went with BT IIRC, and I think finally
landed in Global Crossing's assets.


Correct order of (in)digestion UUNet > MFS > Worldcom >< MCI > Verizon.

There were other multi-way acquisitions in-between as well (CNS, ANS, etc.)


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