I've tried to deal with that a few times - mainly by writing up the first upstream AS. Usually they don't care (and every time I have noticed someone blatantly stealing space, it's been spammers).

Good filtering at the transit provider border IMNSHO is the best way to solve this problem.


On 8/13/10 10:59 AM, Greg Whynott wrote:
how does ARIN or whomever deal with similar situations where someone is 
advertising un-allocated,  un-assigned by ARIN IP space in NA?   do they have a 
deal/agreement with the 'backbone' providers?


6.      ARIN receives a fraud/abuse complaint that A's space is being used by B.
7.      ARIN discovers that A is no longer using the space in accordance with 
their RSA
8.      ARIN reclaims the space and A and B are left to figure out who owes 
what to whom.

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