On 8/23/10 12:25 PM, Andrew Kirch wrote:
>  On 8/23/2010 1:17 PM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
>> What it really comes down to is packets per watt or packets per dollar,
>> if it's cheaper to do it this way then people will, if not BFD.
> I disagree here.  Core routing isn't purchased based on cost, it's
> purchased based on support.  People have not adopted Vayetta, or
> Mikrotik or many of the other small routing platforms which are in fact
> MUCH cheaper than the bridge or the tree (cisco or juniper), and the
> reason is simply support.

Neither of those are in the running for .5-1Tb/s forwarding devices.
stack up enough vyatta boxs to equal an mx960 or a t1600 and I think
you'll get my point.

> If my router breaks beyond my ability to fix it I have a certified
> engineer (of some value or other) at my site with parts to fix it within
> 4 hours.  This is why people go with Cisco and Juniper.  It's also a
> mechanism of CYA.  Would we rather tell our boss that the company has
> responded and dropped the replacement part in the mail, or that a
> technician from the router supplier is on their way and will be here
> very shortly, and ooh, by the way, you did recommend redundant hardware
> when the piece that broke was purchased, and it was available at a
> discount.
> Andrew

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