On 9/20/10 11:38 AM, Nathan Eisenberg wrote:
>> Devil's Advocate here,
>> What would you say to ISP A that provided similar speeds as ISP B,
>> but B took payments from content providers and then provided the
>> service for free?
>> Gives you the choice, ISP A, which costs, and ISP B, which is free,
>> and most people wouldn't know the difference.
>> ~J
> I would say that it's an interesting and unprecedented (to my
> knowledge) model.  Could be an interesting business plan.  I'm not
> sure if it's realistically viable, and it's certainly a risky
> proposition, but it's definitely unusual.

It is called netzero... state of the art 1998 business model...
advertisers pay for the right to spew crap at cheapskate modem users.

> Nathan

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