On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Heath Jones <hj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Well, anyway, here's three more hijacked blocks that they (AS6517)
>>> are routing.  This is in addition to the 75 such blocks I've already
>>> reported.  (I guess that makes 78 hijacked blocks for them, in total.)
>> Out of curiosity, are you also reporting these blocks to Spamhaus?  I expect
>> their DROP list maintainers would be interested.
> With an IP space of just 2^32, I'd suspect they are better off
> maintaining a whitelist ;)

in stabbing around today on the ARIN online website I noticed this:

" ARIN provides access to a list of number resources in the database
which have no valid POC data. A POC handle is marked invalid by ARIN
staff when the POC has not been modified in more than one year and the
POC fails to respond to ARIN's annual request to validate their POC
information. In order to access this report, NRPM Policy 3.6.1
requires that you meet the criteria specified in ARIN’s Bulk Whois
policy, including signing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Complete
information on Bulk Whois, including the AUP and data request form can
be found here. "

one wonders if this sort of thing could be useful to folks maintaining
lists of numbers that are used to affect other folks business plans.

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