On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 07:12:33PM +0200, Thomas Schmid wrote:
> yes, I can confirm that situation is back to normal now after we 
> re-enabled the GBLX session. I heared from others that it was again a 
> broken LSP problem in GBLX (unconfirmed :) )

Global Crossing recently started deploying Foundry/Brocade XMR's in 
their MPLS core, as a lower cost alternative to their old T640/OC192 
MPLS core model. Unfortunately these boxes are buggy as all hell, and 
seem to blackhole LSPs somewhere in their network on at least a weekly 
basis. I think we've seen at least a dozen issues similar to this over 
the last couple months, though most of them were out of LA, so I didn't 
know they had actually done a Seattle deployment.

Honestly GX deserves what they get on this one. I'm not aware of any 
other large network who has ever done a serious MPLS deployment using 
these boxes (and if you're thinking of replying to this and saying "hey 
we do some vll's between 2 routers and it seems to work", stop and think 
about what I might mean when I say a SERIOUS mpls deployment first :P), 
so this was pretty much to be expected. I'll also say that I'm 
remarkably underwhelmed by their response to this issue, and suggest 
that anyone who doesn't want their packets blackholed by the Floundrys 
be prepared to vote with their wallet.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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