> -----Original Message-----
> From: Owen DeLong 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:16 AM
> To: George Bonser
> Subject: Re: Only 5x IPv4 ... WRONG! :)
> On Oct 19, 2010, at 11:37 PM, George Bonser wrote:
> Sure, it lies somewhere between whim and major undertaking.
> Where on that path depends on the quality of your vendors' support
> for IPv6 and how early you start planning.

Even that really isn't a v6 issue so much as other changes that are
often tossed in when a vendor issues a new release.  Sometimes commands
are deprecated, new features added, old features might clash with new
ones, or features behave in slightly different ways in a new release.
Sometimes the entire command syntax will change and any automation that
has been done to manage/generate configurations needs to change.  Again,
those aren't really v6 issues, just the other odds and ends that
surround upgrading stuff in order to get the needed v6 support than can
impact an operation in unexpected ways.  

The point being that it can turn into a can of worms when you simply
need the v6 feature on a bunch of stuff (hey, ever been through
migrating to 8.3 Cisco ASA configuration changes?)  Then there's other
odds and ends like DAD not working on Ubuntu kernel 2.6.32-24-server #41
but it worked fine on 2.6.32-24-server #39 (machine responds to its own
DAD probes and reports any IP you attempt to program as being "in use").
So you want to solve just one problem ... just get IPv6 on the darned
net, and pretty soon you have a half-dozen projects blocking deployment.

It isn't "easy" but it isn't the fault of "v6" in most cases.

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