On Oct 20, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
> So would it be more logical for all those willing to return do so only after 
> depletion when the impact and resulting appreciation is likely to be greater?

It would be best for folks who can return address space 
to do so as soon as possible, since that space could then
be made available under existing allocation policies.  It
is likely that there are many organizations which would 
qualify under current need-based policy which may not have
any meaningful chance to receive address space post-depletion.

> Plus, those less altruistic could weigh the options better after real value 
> is associated with the scarce resource.

Parties that could return space now and are holding it 
entirely to profiteer are not envisioned in RFC 2050.

ARIN recognizes that such parties could use the specified
transfer policy to receive compensation despite being able
to return the space, but overall the community recommended
proceeding because the benefit to overall utilization was
deemed worthwhile. 


John Curran
President and CEO

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