Wow that is amazing and quite impressive that you even run the antenna you have to pay for the GPS service?

> Subject: Re: NTP Server
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 15:52:03 +0000
> Internet ntp is not as reliable as local ntp due to either reachability or 
> tampering. We run a pair of GPS ntp servers with antennas ran to the roof of 
> the building. We make them available to our customers as well as for our own 
> use.
> ------Original Message------
> From: Brandon Kim
> To:
> Subject: NTP Server
> Sent: Oct 24, 2010 10:34 AM
> Hey guys:
> I wanted to open up this question regarding NTP server. I recalled someone 
> had created a posting of this quite awhile back.
> >From a service provider/ISP standpoint,  does anyone think that having a 
> >local NTP server is really necessary?
> I've asked some of my fellow engineers at work and many of them gives me the 
> same response, "Can't we just use free ones out on the internet?"
> 1) How necessary do you believe in local NTP servers? Do you really need the 
> logs to be perfectly accurate?
> 2) If you do have a local NTP server, is it only for local internal use, or 
> do you provide this NTP server to your clients as an added service?
> 3) If you do have a local NTP server, do you have a standby local NTP server 
> or do you use the internet as your standby server?
> Thoughts?
> Thanks in advance, and this list is such a valuable wealth of resource....
> Brandon
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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