In article <>, Alex Thurlow <> writes
I'm trying to find out if there are currently any resources available for teaching people how to be safe online. As in, how to not get a virus, how to pick out phishing emails, how to recognize scams. I'm sure everyone on this list knows these things, but a lot of end users don't. I'm trying to find a way to teach these things to people who aren't too technically savvy.

There's quite a bit of information (UK-orientated) at, which was intended to cover a wide range of issues but after three years of operation is now focussing on anti-social behaviour rather than scams. But there's a quite a lot of material there about avoiding scams, and advice on what to do if you've been caught.

The generic preventative advice is mainly aimed at teenagers.

Disclaimer: I'm related to the owner.
Roland Perry

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