On Thu, 4 Nov 2010, Jay Farrell wrote:

My workplace migrated the last customer off SMDS maybe about 2 or 3
years ago, but most of them were moved several years before that. My
understanding is Vz could no longer buy gear to support SMDS and
pretty much had to cannibalize existing equipment to keep it running.
At one point when we still had 40-some customers on one SMDS DS3 hub
circuit, we had an outage that spanned 3 days (fortunately into a
weekend). Vz seemed to have only a few techs who were clueful on smds
and, unless we were working with one of them, very often our techs
would have to instruct Vz what to do (typically reloading all the
addresses would restore service, IIRC).

Where I used to work, we had lots of dial POPs on SMDS, for good reasons at the time. When we re-did our dial architecture around 2000-2001 to move away from physical POPs, we got rid of the SMDS service. From what I remember, the month-to-month pricing after the contract ended was pretty ugly, so that was another incentive to dump it.


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