On Sun, Nov 07, 2010 at 08:02:28AM +0100, Mans Nilsson wrote:
> The only reason to use (10)GE for transmission in WAN is the 
> completely baroque price difference in interface pricing. With todays 
> line rates, the components and complexity of a line card are pretty 
> much equal between SDH and GE. There is no reason to overcharge for 
> the better interface except because they (all vendors do this) can.

To be fair, there are SOME legitimate reasons for a cost difference. For 
example, ethernet has very high overhead on small packets and tops out 
at 14.8Mpps over 10GE, whereas SONET can do 7 bytes of overhead for your 
PPP/HDLC and FCS etc and easily end up doing well over 40Mpps of IP 
packets. The cost of the lookup ASIC that only has to support the 
Ethernet link is going to be a lot cheaper, or let you handle a lot more 
links on the same chip.

At this point it's only half price gouging of the silly telco customers 
with money to blow. There really are significant cost savings for the 
vendors in using the more popular and commoditized technology, even 
though it may be technically inferior. Think of it like the old IDE vs 
SCSI wars, when enough people get onboard with the cheaper interior 
technology, eventually they start shoehorning on all the features and 
functionality that you wanted from the other one in the first place. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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