
Try calling 1-800-332-1321. It is a general repair number for POTS and DSX circuits. They are clueful, and if they aren't the right people to call, they will likely be able to point you in the right direction.

Bobby Glover
Director of Information Services
South Valley Internet

-----Original message-----
From: Paul Vixie <>
Sent: 2010 Nov, Thu, 25 21:38:18 GMT+00:00
Subject: reporting physical plant damage to AT&T?

there's a pacific telephone j-box at the edge of a parking lot in san mateo
california that's been hit by a car hard enough to spring the door open. the copper punchdowns are now freely and publically accessible. i think it's not
pac tel or pac bell or sbc any more, so what i need is to know how to tell
AT&T that they've got a physical plant problem that will soon be customer
affecting, especially with the weather like it is.  there was a call-before-
you-dig sticker on it so i called that number and they said it wasn't their
problem.  i'm trying to do the right thing by asking AT&T to make it so if
i google for "report damage to at&t" it will give a useful result. meanwhile
if someone from at&t asks me i will tell them the road address of the box.

(i am not an at&t customer and calling 1-800-CALL-ATT did me no good at all.)

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