On Nov 17, 2010, at 9:45 AM, Bob Poortinga wrote:

> My concern is that this "report" will be presented to the US Congress without
> being refuted by experts in the know.
> My request is that someone with some gravitas please issue a press release
> setting the facts straight on this matter.  I have been in contact with Dan
> Goodin at The Register but I'm just a lowly grunt with a small network.

At the very least you might want to review:


Renesys provides one data point but there are others that clearly show traffic 
routed *through* China (meaning they did indeed originate/hijack, and then pass 
data on to the original destination).

Just because there are people in the know (or with gravitas) that don't post on 
nanog doesn't mean it didn't happen.


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