On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:04 PM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

> On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:51 PM, Ben Butler wrote:
>> In the Uk, we used to have 2MB DSL, and business providers like myself would 
>> happily provide it on the basis of CBR 2Mbit and we did'nt care what you did 
>> with it.  2Mbit is more than enough for streaming and I challenge anyone 
>> otherwise.
> I say otherwise.
> So do many customers who want 720 or 1080 lines on their TV.
You can stream 1080p/5.1 128khz over 2mbps at high quality using codecs that 
were available 2 years ago.
(VP6, VP7 can do this, for example).

However, yes, 2mbps is at the low end of acceptable today since many households 
want more than one
1080p stream at a time.


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