On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:40 AM, Paul Ferguson <fergdawgs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Interesting article:
> http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/sjs/trying-make-sense-comcast-level-3
> - -dispute
> Considering the fact that I received an e-mail survey request today from
> Netflix (I am a subscriber) which, among other questions, asked if I ever
> did streaming of their services on the Internet, Wii, Live TV, etc. (I
> don't), as well as asked if I am a Comcast subscriber (I am), among other
> last-mile service provider options -- I just found the timing of all of
> this very "interesting".

I suppose this is all just a smoke screen to force one/both sides to
upgrade inter-links before the l3/flix cdn contract goes whole hog. A
stalling tactic and one to push buttons (political/PR buttons) raising
the stakes/pushing timing up on installs...

is interesting though.


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