On 19/12/10 18:51, Paul Ferguson wrote:
> Not for nothing, but Spamhaus wasn't the only organization to warn about
> Heihachi:
> http://blog.trendmicro.com/wikileaks-in-a-dangerous-internet-neighborhood/

All the domains listed by Trend Micro as neighbours appear to be down.

Have to say as someone whose employer will buy and host a domain name if
you fill in the credit card details and the credit card company accept
them, if you listed only the sites we've cancelled first thing on a
Monday morning (or as soon as we are notified) we'd look pretty poor.

>From the many adverse comments about the hosting services in use they
look as bad as they come, but on the other hand this weakens the
usefulness of the Trend statement (well to people who check what they
are told).

Were the sites up when the announcement was made?

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