
Brian A . Rettke
Network Engineer, CableONE Internet Services

"-----Original Message-----
From: Lamar Owen []

Interestingly enough, we've tried to do H.323 with some folks on a CMTS 
connection, and have yet to succeed in smooth video.  My testing on my home 
DSL, back when it was 1.5M/.5M (we got two free upgrades; the first one was to 
5/.5 and the second to 7/.5) and our main link was an OC3 to a different 
provider, went well.  Never really figured out what it was causing the problems 
with the CMTS users; the effect was that the H.323 session would start up and 
negotiate at 384Kb/s, and a few seconds of video would traverse fine, and then 
the link would start dropping more and more frames until it died entirely; my 
testing on my slower DSL didn't have this problem, and traceroute showed an 
equivalent number of hops between.  The CMTS connection in use was an 8M down 
1M up link."

The problem is probably not the connection speed, but congestion on the CMTS. 
If the downstream is saturated (too many people watching Netflix on a node) the 
available shared bandwidth may not be enough to support your real-time traffic. 
Which is a pretty good archetype for the discussion anyhow.

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