This is admittedly a touch end-usery, my apologies...

I'm looking into satellite-based 2-way IP transport, on the scale of
SCPC DVB-RCS or iDirect, as an adjunct to the already installed 
"traditional" one-way satellite gear installed in the Frontline DSNG
truck owned by my new employer, both for MPEG streaming for broadcast,
and possibly for emergency-response support, if I can sell that idea.

Has anyone on NANOG any personal experience with that, from either end?

Almost all of what I'll need to do will be what the satellite guys call
"occasional use", ie: "I need a six hour block Thursday night, starting
at 7pm", as opposed to the "monthly service with an FAP" that most 
people seem to sell.  LBiSat is one company that understands occasional,
I'm wondering if there are others (and if their IP jocks hang out here).

-- jra

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