On Thu, 13 Jan 2011, Owen DeLong wrote:

Most people do not know about the "multi-homing feature" designed into
IPv6.  Most people who do, seem to agree that it may not see enough
practical use to have meaningful impact on routing table growth, which
will no longer be kept in check by a limited pool of IP addresses and
policies that make it a little difficult for a very small network to
become multi-homed.

This may be another looming IPv6 headache without a sufficient
solution to set good practices now, before deployment sky-rockets.

It's well known that IPv6 will require a scalable routing solution and that
one has not yet been developed.  I'll be surprised if there isn't more
progress out of IETF on this issue in the near future.

Dear Owen,
If you have some idea in your mind propose something for IETF. BoF sessions are open for completely new proposal: http://www.ietf.org/iesg/bof-procedures.html

or you can directly propose something for the particular wg:

Best Regards,
                Janos Mohacsi

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