On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Brian Keefer wrote:

> On Jan 12, 2011, at 9:21 AM, George Bonser wrote:
>>> I'd eat a hat if a vendor didn't implement a PAT equivalent. It's
>>> demanded too much. There is money for it, so it will be there.
>>> Jack
>> Yeah, I think you are right.  But in really thinking about it, I wonder
>> why.  The whole point of PAT was address conservation.  You don't need
>> that with v6.  All you need to do with v6 is basically have what amounts
>> to a firewall in transparent mode in the line and doesn't let a packet
>> in (except where explicitly configure to) unless it is associated with a
>> packet that went out.
>> PAT makes little sense to me for v6, but I suspect you are correct.  In
>> addition, we are putting the "fire suit" on each host in addition to the
>> firewall. Kernel firewall rules on each host for the *nix boxen.  
> Actually there are a couple very compelling reasons why PAT will probably be 
> implemented for IPv6:
> 1.)  Allows you to redirect a privileged port (on UNIX) to a non-privileged 
> port.  For daemons that don't implement some form of privilege revoking after 
> binding to a low port (and/or aren't allowed to run as root), this is very 
> useful.  It's much easier to have a firewall redirect than to implement 
> robust privilege revoking.  Example: PAT 25/tcp -> 2525/tcp.
Actually, that's just port rewriting which is mostly harmless. PAT refers, 
instead, to a stateful
translation which is most definitely not harmless.

> 2.)  Allows you to redirect multiple ports to a single one, to support legacy 
> implementations.  Suppose your application used to require separate ports for 
> different types of requests, but now is able to multiplex them.  The new 
> daemon only listens on one port, but other applications may not have updated 
> their configuration.  Example:  PAT 4443/tcp -> 443/tcp & PAT 8443/tcp -> 
> 443/tcp.
That's a pretty ugly situation, but, it would require a stateful mechanism to 
address it. I think it is much cleaner to have the daemon listen on the 
multiple ports.

> Basically the idea is that implementing PAT for IPv6 allows smoother 
> transition for apps that made use of it in IPv4, thus accelerating the 
> adoption of IPv6.
I think the lack of IPv4 resources will soon serve as sufficient acceleration 
of IPv6 adoption.


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