It's in-band only in the sense of delivery.  The worst that a
corruption of the underlying network can do to you is deny you
updates; it can't convince you that a route validates when it
shouldn't.  And even denying updates to your RPKI cache isn't that
bad, since the update process doesn't really need to be real-time.
Things will stay the same until you start hitting expiration times.
The ultimate worst case is that everything expires and there are no
RPKI-validated routes ... just like today.


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Roland Dobbins <> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Danny McPherson wrote:
>> I just don't like the notion of deploying a brand new system with data that 
>> at the end of the day is going to look an awful lot like the existing 
>> delegation system that's deployed, and introduce new 
>> hierarchical shared dependencies that don't exist today.
> Right - so, the macro point here is that in order to make use of rPKI so as 
> to ensure the integrity of the global routing system, the presupposition is 
> that there's already sufficient integrity in said routing global system for 
> the rPKI tree to be successfully walked in the first place, given that it's 
> all in-band, right?
> And since it's all in-band, anyways, with the recursive dependencies that 
> implies, why not make use of another, pre-existing inband hierarchical system 
> which is explicitly designed to ensure the integrity of its answers, and 
> which is already in the initial stages of its deployment - i.e., DNSSEC?
> Note I'm not advocating this position, per se, just being sure I understand 
> the argument for purposes of discussion.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roland Dobbins <> // <>
> Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid, with millions
> of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but
> just done by brute force and thousands of slaves.
>                          -- Alan Kay

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