On 1/28/2011 5:34 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

If you want to buy some equipment that can handle hundreds of thousands
of ND:s instead of one that might handle thousands, you're free to do
so. Also your L2 transport need to scale as well, including needing to
handle tens of MAC addresses per customer (I live in a household of 2
adults, we have approximately 10-15 devices that talk IP, and this is
not becoming fewer over time).

It's your money (or your employers).

IPv4, standard termination routers (7206VXR), DHCP, no router CPE required, no request limitations. We'll have equivalent in IPv6 with DHCPv6, except we route prefixes for routers, but that won't effect the mac tables.

Router 1: 1233
Router 2: 1012
Router 3: 2198

and so on (just random routers). I don't see these numbers as being an issue. The router choice of the ISP is often a factor of number of customers, throughput, and desired feature sets/flexibility; which is why we run multiple processor based routers. I can handle more customers on a hardware based platform, but I also get much better support for the 100s of thousands of ND/ARP tables and run the risk of hardware not supporting a feature I need.

Customers are often likely to get a router for their location, especially if you aren't providing wireless in the stock CPE; though I do have a few regions which issue stock CPE with wireless, fully bridged (no routing). Customer's choice.


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