On Friday 28 January 2011 20:36:30 George Bonser wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jake Khuon [mailto:kh...@neebu.net]
> > Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:07 PM
> > To: Patrick W. Gilmore
> > Cc: NANOG list
> > Subject: Re: Connectivity status for Egypt
> > 
> > On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 11:27 -0500, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> > > I think it does not matter.  Censorship is censorship.  (So much for
> > 
> > "routing around it".)
> I think it would be pretty hard to actually cut off communications when the
> telephone system is still working.  You can move a lot of email by dialup
> UUCP if you wanted to.
> I am guessing that satellite internet still works and landline dialup to a
> modem outside the country still works.  And there's always static routes
> :)

International dial-out is a good point, especially these days when 
voice isn't wildly expensive any more. Does anyone have a source for dialup 
pools like that?

Personally, I suspect that it's probably more important to cut off internal 
comms. Especially as the TV and media people are pretty good at bringing their 
own satellite connectivity. Which is more worrying, someone updating their 
wordpress.com blog, or the same person texting everyone they know to show up 
outside State TV at 1700 hours and bring a bag of bricks? A lot of the 
fbk/twt/whatever activity, and all the really politically important fraction of 
it, is just that - but going through either externally located servers or 
externally-owned ones.

I wonder if anyone's working on a mesh or p-t-p radio app that runs on a 

The only thing worse than e-mail disclaimers...is people who send e-mail to 
lists complaining about them

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