On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net> wrote:
> Once upon a time, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> said:
>> On Feb 1, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
>> > Devil's advocate hat on: NAT (in its most common form) also permits
>> > internal addressing to be independent of external addressing.
>> >
>> Which is a bug, not a feature.
> That is an opinion (and not a unversally held opinion), not a fact.  I
> tend to agree with you, but you keep stating your opinion as fact.
> Telling people "I'm right, you're wrong" over and over again leads to
> them going away and ignoring IPv6.


Somebody should probably get a blog instead of sending, *39 and
counting*, emails to this list in one day.

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